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Must-Have Items for Surviving Extra-Long Flights

No matter how exciting your destination, ultra-long-haul flights can be grueling. Sitting cramped in a plane for over 12 hours tests anyone's physical and mental stamina. While you likely can't avoid a marathon air journey, you can make the experience more bearable with proper planning and the right gear in tow. Here are the essential items to pack that will help you survive extra-long flights in greater comfort.


Hydration is Critical

Airplane cabins have extremely dry air that dehydrates you rapidly. Bring an empty insulated water bottle and travel mug to refill once through security. Avoid alcohol and caffeine which promote dehydration. Opt for electrolyte drinks like Gatorade or dissolvable electrolyte tablets to replenish fluids. Stay sipping water throughout the flight!


Dress in Comfy Layers

Loose, stretchy garments with breathable fabrics create optimal comfort for long flights. Layers allow you to adjust to temperature fluctuations. Choose easy pull-on and zip-up pieces for easy changes. Compression socks facilitate healthy circulation. Eye masks, earplugs, portable pillows, and slippers help you rest. Bring fresh undergarments to change into.


Prioritize Entertainment

Charge your devices and curate plenty of entertainment options including downloaded movies, TV shows, games, eBooks, music playlists and more. Noise-canceling headphones minimize ambient cabin sounds. Entertaining diversions break the monotony and help hours pass productively.


Pack Flyer-Friendly Snacks

Airport food is hit-or-miss. Pack favorite healthy, filling snacks like protein bars, trail mixes, fresh fruit, veggie packs and single-serve nut butters. This fuel between meals provides sustainable energy and saves you from relying on food carts.


Load Up on Health Products

Avoid germs by bringing sanitary wipes for your tray, seat, etc. Pack extra masks, hand sanitizer and cleansing face wipes. Hydrating mists, face creams, lip balms and nasal saline sprays combat dry air. Sleeping aids like melatonin and compression socks maximize rest. Don't forget travel medications for things like nausea or allergies.


Bring Extra Amenities

Added conveniences like a portable battery pack and multiple charging cords for devices keep you juiced for the duration. An extendable phone grip transforms your device into an on-demand entertainment screen. Travel pillows and blankets offer familiar softness. Keep personal hygiene supplies like a toothbrush and deodorant accessible.


With some simple preparation and the right accomplices, dreadful long-haul flights can become much more palatable. Prioritize hydration, hygiene, comfortable clothes, soothing amenities and ample entertainment. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel when reaching your destination.